Sunday, April 30, 2006

Driving Conditions / Les conditions routières

M. le Président,

Mon discours aujourd'hui s'adressent aux conducteurs d'automobile en Ontario et au Québec. Je voudrais bien savoir comment les ministères de transport respectifs ont pu certifier certains de ces crétins à conduire une voiture, machine de puissance avec la capacité de tuer. Enfin, je me réfère à mes propres expériences récentes sur les autoroutes de ces deux grandes provinces ... dans deux voies de circulation en même temps, pas de signales, rouler à 170km/h.

Mr Speaker, my question is directed to the Minister of Transportation. What is his department doing to ensure the safety of all Canadians on this country's highways and thoroughfares? When will the government start working toward a training standard among the provinces to ensure that drivers from Alberta and Saskatechwan driving on Ontario roads must abide by the same rules? How does the Minister intend to respond to the increasing number of fatalities due to traffic accidents?

[P.S. I have to apologize to all Quebec drivers ... I thought they had the monopoly on bad driving until I came back home to Ontario this weekend and realized that we in fact seem to possess some of this country's worst. Just goes to show that we have to be the best (or worst) at everything ...]

Mr. Speaker, a supplementary question:

When will the government ban idiocy, repress recklessness and arrest all the lunatics out there?
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