Sunday, April 23, 2006

Model Post


The Sentinel is a film that slows down 24, dumbs down the West Wing, and tries to put the two together in a horrible frankenstein of cinematic buffoonery.

Jack Bauer is still a wicked cool dude, because he can solve murders in less than 30 seconds and make the local cops look like junior high lunch monitors.

The worst ever movie line is said by some agent pointing a gun at Jack Bauer. Jack plays the guy with some mind-melding super-tricks. The guy turns to his partner: "What's the procedure for that?"

The terrorists wear HUGE Canadian flags on their uniforms, in the most obvious place. Thanks for enjoying Toronto, Hollywood.

Jack Bauer's nubile rookie assistant runs around in the field wearing high heels. For someone who speaks four languages, that's dumb.

Be it resolved that:

Jack Bauer concentrate on saving the world through 24, and not The Sentinel. Going to see the Sentinel may be a necessary evil, but it should only be done for national security reasons.


I think you have hit the nail on the head, or some such idiom.

How dare you rip the best film since The Pacifier?
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