Saturday, June 17, 2006

Hedy Fry ... Canada's next Prime Minister?

My co-worker and I have had a series of Beta fish in our office on the Hill, the last of whom was a red one which we foundly named "True Grit". He committed suicide by leaping from his bowl shortly before the January election.

There might be a lesson in there be the judge.
To answer your question, Steve: No. (Relying on my extra-terrestrial powers of prediction.) For better or worse, Hedy Fry doesn't have the Bay Street appeal that still influences major Liberal party decisions.

However, that doesn't mean there's not space on the web for charismatic web campaigns.
My enthusiasm for this woman started to wane when I heard that she accused some little town in BC of burning crosses on their front lawns ...

That's pretty intense, baby!

While it pains me to admit it, I fear that the most enthusiasm so far is for Mr. Bryson, who, like the rest of his peers, has had his reputation muddied by one form of scandal or another. It would do my heart good for a strong candidate to have come out of all of this who was not already scared by scandal before the next round of elections even began ...
The great white knight? Sorry, I'm busy with lots of other stuff right now. Give me another 20 years and we'll talk.
Of COURSE not!

Why, this weekend alone, I was thinking to myself how truly enlightened our dear Prime Minister and his party were for coming to Quebec to mark the FĂȘte nationale. Hardly worth mentioning that he spat in the face of almost every Quebecer by not recognizing Quebec as a nation when the Acadians, the First Nations people, and many other groups enjoy this status. Oh, and there was that little thing about not one single Quebec flag in sight ... oh, and saying that "even God" was glad that Harper had come to speak, given Quebec's history with the church during the Duplessis years. Finally, that little announcement of $15 billion new spending on the military certainly doesn't prove the connection between the "New" Conservative Party and the military brass ... ;)
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